What are people saying?

  • "Absolutely amazing from the start, I felt so at ease in the calming space and Amy's knowledge and ability to explain everything really helped me. Over the weeks I felt so much progression, I felt less anxious and more decisive. It's been some time since my sessions concluded and I can definitely feel the lasting changes it has made, I will be popping back for periodic 'top up sessions' as and when I feel the need. I would highly recommend Amy to anyone."

    — Rebecca M via Google Review

  • "I would thoroughly recommend Amy. I have over the last few years suffered from anxiety, particularly around driving, and had very bad panic attacks ( I kept it secret , no one would have known until recently). Amy is supportive and kind but also very honest and explains everything throughout the sessions helping you to realise you're actually feeling like that for a reason. I had my last session tonight and can honestly say I feel 100% better than before I started. It's not an instant fix (a few weeks) which means it will last long term but she has also explained ways of dealing with it if the feelings come back ....life happens! Definitely 10/10

    — Julie L via Google Review

  • "I found Amy on Instagram and felt right away that hypnotherapy would be a good fit for me. Reading all the reviews it was clear the positive impact she has had. I wasn't wrong, Amy is excellent at was she does, her calm and reassuring nature really puts you at ease. I honestly can't emphase enough the difference this has made to me. I was a ball of anxiety before, constant feelings of being overwhelmed and not being good enough. Now I am so much more happy and in control of my life, the skills Amy has taught me have really shifted my thinking. I genuinely look for the positives all the time now and can reframe negative experiences and thinking. I am more resilient and confident that I can deal with life's stressers, I know i have the skills to get through! Can't thank her enough x""

    Nichola H via Google Review

  • "Honestly life changing! I was new to this and wasn’t sure how I would find it but Amy makes you feel so comfortable right from the get go, it’s like talking to s friend. Each session has just been amazing, the perfect mixture of making sure you are feeling comfortable but also finding ways to slightly push yourself out of your comfort zone. I have learnt a lot of techniques that I know will continue to help me for a long time. Amy explains everything so perfectly and is very knowledgeable in this area. These sessions have really changed how I view things and I would recommend Amy to anyone with out a doubt. I will forever be thankful for Amy helping me change my view on life, helping me become the person I didn’t think I could ever be, and for that I’m so so grateful."

  • "I can't praise Amy and her work enough. Amy, help me after losing my brother and a few other problems life had thrown up. It was a bit daunting seeking help at first but Amy was so welcoming and friendly that it never really felt like therapy. i really can't recommend Amy enough thank you."

    — Stuart S via Google Review

  • "I honestly cannot thank Amy enough for the help she has given. Her knowledge and teaching of why I was feeling certain things was so important in my sessions, I really learnt so much from her and being able to take that away and understand my own thoughts helped me on my journey massively. I have overcome something I have struggled with for nearly 10 years and within just 6 weeks with Amy I developed new thought patterns which have allowed me to do things I didn’t think I could. Her kindness and patience are unmatched, she’s amazing! Thank you Amy."

    Ashlee M via Google Review

  • "Having struggled with anxiety and other mental health issues for a long while, enough was enough. I did a bit of research on Google and came across Amy @ Moving mindset. Contacting Amy was the best thing I’ve ever done! I was made to feel at ease as soon as we met. Over the sessions we had together, Amy explained in great detail how my brain was working and how to reframe the negative thoughts taking over. Amongst other ways to manage and deal with any negativity going forward. The hypnotherapy/relaxation part of the sessions were really good too. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Amy to anyone. There has definitely been a positive impact to my life. Thank you so much for everything you’ve helped me with :-)"

    James D via Google Review

  • "I can honestly say that my sessions with Amy have had a huge impact on my life. Amy has given me tools and coping techniques that have taught me so much about myself and my mind. I was a bit dubious about working virtually via Zoom but Amy made me feel at ease and it actually allowed me to fit in my sessions around work and family life easily. I was struggling with depressive thoughts and anxiety when I started having online sessions. We talked a lot about discovering who the real Sophie is and, over a period of ten weeks, I am very grateful to have rediscovered my confidence again and feel far more emotionally in control. Thank you Amy.""

    Sophie C via Google Review

  • "I went to see Amy as I was having bouts of low mood/depression, anxiety and lack of confidence. Having had counselling/cbt in the past that hadn't helped I felt I had nothing to lose with trying Amy's service. A colleague had also highly recommended Amy. As I was pregnant I thought now was the time to address my mental health before I was post partum. From the first session even just the intro I was optimistic and with each session I felt I was developing. It's incredible how simple the process is but so effective!!! I am so pleased with the progress and Amy was fantastic!!! I am so grateful and know the tools I need to remain stable and calm for the future. Thank you!!""

    Amy H via Google Review

  • "I will admit I was sceptical about hypnotherapy but thought I would give it try and I am so glad I did. Amy is friendly, knowledgeable and welcoming and is so passionate about helping you, her enthusiasm is contagious!. I have had great results where I didn't think I would and Amy has supported me to find a new way of tackling my problems in a way I had never thought. Amy has helped me help myself so much and I really can't thank her enough."

    — Elle G via Goggle Review

  • "Since attending the sessions I now feel my mindset is automatically more positive. I really enjoyed going each week and could feel my anxiousness and exhaustion lifting by week 3. I would recommend Amy to anyone going through the menopause and experiencing these symptoms. I still listen to my audio meditation if I am having trouble going to sleep. Definitely money well spent!!"

    Karen B via Google Review

  • "I never thought by emailing Amy that my life would change so much! Initially I thought she had just helped me to overcome my fear of trying new foods, however I realise now that Amy helped my confidence grow which has affected many other aspects of my life! I looked forward to every session with Amy, she is very friendly and made it easy to be able to open up about my problems. Since finishing my sessions I have continued to use the techniques Amy taught me and try new foods. I love that even though I no longer have sessions, Amy is still happy to hear about the progress I am making. Thank you so much Amy!""

    Chelsea M via Google Review

  • "It was about my fourth session with Amy and I was chuckling on the way home to myself. What was funny was, I didn't think so much had changed. Until I started reflecting with Amy that day... I realised, with pleasure, that I am so much more like my old self. I had liked the me I was before my anxiety had got in the way. I had been brave, driven, confident and an advocate for lots of others who needed support. My anxiety though had grown to such a size that it had taken over and it had steered things for a while. I had veered away from things that were really important to me, I had become stuck in a loop and I could see that now. The hypnotherapy surprised me, in the best way possible. Amy made it sound so simple, she’s so professional and with her background in nursing I trusted her easily and I’m so glad I did! Now, I'm back in control. Amy is so easy to talk to, explains everything patiently and it gets real results. I've been reconnecting with myself, I feel able to be brave and to make choices again, like I've been woken from a dream and I see bright things ahead. Update: Six months on since my last session with Amy and I’m still standing tall. I do remember experiencing anxiety (anxiety attacks daily and panic attacks on a regular basis) but it’s like we’ve turned down the thermostat on the emotion, it simply doesn’t have the power over me anymore. Thank you so much Amy for giving me back my spark. If your curious about hypnotherapy give Amy a call, you really won't be sorry.""

    Claire B via Google Review

  • "I discovered Amy and the idea of Hypnotherapy through instagram. At the time, I was incredibly lost in knowing what I wanted to do, and how to push myself into making those things happen for my happiness. I had lots of ambition, but not a lot of confidence within myself as well as suffering with both depression and anxiety. Amy helped me see that, 1. Therapy is not about digging up your past as such, its about being in the moment and thinking about solutions to move forward and therefore accepting and becoming at peace with my old self. 2. The Hypnotherapy aspect is not scary, I was fully expecting to be put in a trance! but its very similar to a visual guided meditation, that I don't do often but found really great to be able to reflect on what we had spoken about as well as actually letting my body switch off. This was also still achieved through Zoom! Amy is very kind, gentle and understanding. I am a few months on from finishing therapy, and I am a brand new person compared to last year, I feel a lot more confident and happy - I feel much more like myself. Meeting Amy, and having Hypnotherapy (even virtually!!) was the best thing I did for myself.""

    Bianca C via Google Review

  • "Amy has taught me so much over the last few months! I have suffered from anxiety for a long time and developed a lot bad habits over the years and finally decided to do something about it when I was recommended to talk to Amy by one of my friends. Amy is very friendly, calm and easy to talk to and made me realise that the small changes I make overtime can make a huge difference to my daily life. She explains the process of hypnotherapy clearly and really helps to understand how the brain works. I have finished my sessions with Amy now and continue to use the tools she has taught me and feel so much more confident and happy. It has allowed me to change my mindset and focus on my goals and passions.""

    Lauren D via Google Review