Moving Mindset Privacy Policy

Updated: 1st September 2024


This Privacy Policy contains information with regards to data that is collected and recorded by Moving Mindset Therapy, who takes your privacy seriously under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 2018).The legal basis for collecting and using personal information, described in this policy depends on the personal information I collect and the specific context in which I collect it.

The legal bases I rely on include:

Consent: With your explicit consent I will collect and process your data for the purposes of the service or sale. This information will have been provided by you during use of website or service.

Contractual Necessity: It may be necessary to enter into a contract during the service provision, especially during the online purchase process.  In these cases, your personal information will be processed in order to complete the transaction.

 Legal Obligations: I may collect and process your personal information to comply with legal obligations of the business.

 Legitimate Interests: If there is a legitimate interest to do so, I may process your personal information, when it does not override your own rights or interests.

Protection of Vital Interests: In extreme circumstances it may be necessary to process your personal information in the case of duty of care/protecting another’s life, including yours. This processing of this personal information will be made clear at the time of collecting it and using it.

 Information I Collect:

 Personal Information: I may collect your personal information at the point of enquiry and all paid sessions in order to provide the best service. The personal information may include name, adresss, age, phone number, health information as well as other relevant details. This information will be provided by you voluntarily in order for me to respond to the needs arisen.

 Automatically Collected Information: Upon visiting my website, some information will automatically be collected - such as your IP address, browser type, operating system, and browsing behaviour, through cookies or similar tracking technologies. You can learn more about the use of cookies within this policy.

 Information for my contact database for marketing purposes: With consent, when you subscribe to any newsletter, partake in any free products, promotions, sign up forms or anything relevant that you voluntarily sign up to, your personal details will be collected and stored within a database.  This will include your name, email address, phone number and location. You will be able to unsubscribe at any point.

How I Use Your Information:

 Providing Services: The personal information collected is done so in order to provide a therapy service to my clients. The information collected is relevant in order to be able to keep accurate records of the sessions as well as tailor any future treatment.

 Fulfilling Orders: I use the personal information given during the purchase of products on my website in order to fulfil your order.

 Marketing Emails; I may send you marketing emails, which you can unsubscribe from by clicking the link at the bottom of the email. We share your contact information with Squarespace, our email marketing provider, so they can send these emails on our behalf.

 Communication: The contact information given by you may be used in order to maintain the service offered; including but not limited to; appointment reminders, alterations, service updates and any other relevant contact for the purpose of maintaining the service.

Once treatment is concluded I have legitimate interest in communication. This is for following up progress, as well as asking for feedback to help me to improve my service.

 You may occasionally also receive marketing emails post sessions, should you have signed up for these to make you aware of updates and offers. Should you wish to opt out of these at any time you can do so.

 Service Improvement:

 Analytics may be used to improve the service. Anonymised data will be viewed to gather information on trends relevant to improving services.

 Service Providers:

The information you have shared may be shared with third party providers who help me to operate my service. These may include but are not limited to:

·      Email provider; IONOS

·      The webhosting company; Squarespace

·      Email Subscription Software

·      Online communication platforms; I use Zoom and Microsoft Teams

·      Payment providers; Square, Paypal and Starling.

These providers are also bound to protect your information and only use it for the purposes of functions on the businesses behalf.

 Duty of Care

Whilst there is an understanding of the protection of privacy and confidentiality, there are definite circumstances in which I am legally bound to share your personal information without consent, for your own or others safety. This would include if there was an expression of harm to yourself or another person in which it was felt that other services needed to be involved to protect life.

 There may also be times during which it is necessary to contact your GP or other medical professionals involved in your care. This means that your personal data would be shared, with consent. The legitimate reason for doing so is to enable the collaboration to ensure that your treatment is tailored to you, advice is sought or for clarification around the relevancy of treatment. I would tell you before doing this and would request your consent to proceed.


Other Legal Requirements

Personal information may also be disclosed in the following events;

·      If requested to by a lawful authority

·      If there was any suspicion of any form of child or vulnerable adult abuse.

·      A threat to public safety

Your data protection rights

• Your right of access - You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information. You can request other information such as details about where we get personal information from and who we share personal information with. There are some exemptions which means you may not receive all the information you ask for. You can read more about this right here.

• Your right to rectification - You have the right to ask us to correct or delete personal information you think is inaccurate or incomplete. You can read more about this right here.

• Your right to erasure - You have the right to ask us to delete your personal information. You can read more about this right here.

• Your right to restriction of processing - You have the right to ask us to limit how we can use your personal information. You can read more about this right here.

• Your right to object to processing - You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. You can read more about this right here.

• Your right to data portability - You have the right to ask that we transfer the personal information you gave us to another organisation, or to you. You can read more about this right here.

• Your right to withdraw consent – When we use consent as our lawful basis you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. You can read more about this right here.

If you make a request, we must respond to you without undue delay and in any event within one month.

To make a data protection rights request, please contact us using the contact details at the top of this privacy notice.

How long we keep information

Your information is securely stored in our offices and IT protected systems.

We will only keep information about you during the term of our contract and following termination as follows:

• Adults 8 years

• Young adults aged 17 years, until their 26th birthday

• Children below 17 years, until their 25th birthday

At the end of our retention period, we will securely destroy your information.


Data Security:

 I take data security seriously and implement security measures to keep your information safe but it is to be understood that no data storage system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. I hold data in electronic form in an encrypted system which is not accessible to any other person. The electronic systems used to run my business are all password encrypted.

Website/Shop Privacy:

 This website is hosted by Squarespace. Squarespace collects personal data when you visit this website, including:

 Information about your browser, network and device

Web pages you visited prior to coming to this website

Web pages you view while on this website

Your IP address

 Squarespace needs the data to run this website, and to protect and improve its platform and services. Squarespace analyzes the data in a de-personalized form.


This website collects personal data to power our site analytics, including:

Information about your browser, network, and device

Web pages you visited prior to coming to this website

Your IP address

 This information may also include details about your use of this website, including:


Internal links

Pages visited




 We share this information with Squarespace, our website analytics provider, to learn about site traffic and activity.

For Customers

When you buy something on this website, we collect personal information from you to fulfill the order. We may collect information like your:

 Billing and shipping address

Details relating to your purchase (for example, your shirt size)

Email address


Phone number

 We share this information with Squarespace, our online store hosting provider, so that they can provide website services to us.

Our payment processor(s) Squarespace payments and Paypal will also collect payment information from you. You can read their privacy policy here

As you go through checkout, this site may auto-complete your shipping and billing address by sharing what you type with the Google Places API and returning suggestions to you to improve your checkout experience.


When you make a purchase from us on this website, we use Squarespace Payments as our payment solution. Squarespace Payments is a fully integrated, native payment solution provided to us by our online store service provider Squarespace. Squarespace Payments makes use of the following third party service providers which will also receive your personal information and process it in accordance with their privacy policies:

 Stripe - payment processing services. You can read Stripe’s privacy policy at

Sift - fraud monitoring and detection services. You can read Sift’s privacy policy at


This website uses cookies and similar technologies, which are small files or pieces of text that download to a device when a visitor accesses a website or app. For information about viewing the cookies dropped on your device, visit The cookies Squarespace uses

 These necessary and required cookies are always used, which allow Squarespace, our hosting platform, to securely serve this website to you.

 These analytics and performance cookies are used on this website, as described below, only when you acknowledge our cookie banner. This website uses analytics and performance cookies to view site traffic, activity, and other data.

Abandoned Cart

You’ll receive an automated email within 24 hours after you abandon your shopping cart, if all of the following occur:

 You enter your email address at checkout, or are logged into your customer account.

You add a product which is in stock to your shopping cart.

You close your browser or leave this website without completing your purchase.

 You can unsubscribe from these messages at the bottom of the email.

The email will link back to this website, where you can pick up where you left off and complete your purchase.


When you submit information to this website via webform, we collect the data requested in the webform in order to track and respond to your submissions. We share this information with Squarespace, our online store hosting provider, so that they can provide website services to us. We also share this information with the relevant companies who host the webforms.


This privacy policy will be updated in accordance with business changes. All changes are reflected to the date of the Privacy Policy update.


If you have any questions about the handling of your personal data or the privacy policy, please contact me at